Sunday, October 9, 2011


Raw emotions, peeps. That is the only word I could think of to describe this last week. Ugh. I thought the casts were bad, the braces were/are really bad. On Monday, we got the braces and the first night, Hudson did great. He wore them for 8 hours straight. Things could only get better from the first night, right? Wrong. SO wrong. The second night he only wore them for 5 hours with hysterical screaming all night long. It was awful. I called Shriner's and explained what was going on. I made a trip out there (which is not an easy task considering that I have to find sitters for my two other kids and make the 45 minute drive each way) and met with Prosthetics and Orthotics again on Wednesday. They made sure the shoes fit right and gave me some tips to try. Thinking that night would be better, he kept the braces on for maybe 6 hours that night with more screaming thru the night. We figured out that he can tolerate the shoes fine but once we put the bar on, he won't have it. He will usually sleep for about 20 minutes and then wake up screaming once he realizes the bar is on. Then it takes another 15 or so minutes to calm him down and back to sleep.

What's next? When I met with Prosthetics and Orthotics, they mentioned they was another type of bar that isn't used much anymore but could be another option if Hudson didn't tolerate the current bar we are using. This other type of bar allows a little bit of mobility where he can move each foot independently. I called Shriner's again on Friday to see if this was an option and was told that I need authorization from the doctor since this bar is not used regularly anymore. Awesome.... back to Shriner's we go tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning to get this figured out. We have resorted to just letting Hudson wear the shoes and bar until he can no longer tolerate it and we are too tired to fight it. Meaning he is getting only just a few hours with the bar the last few nights. I'm desperate for a fix and hopefully tomorrow we can have some answers.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke! I just found your blog! What a great idea to share your experiences with others who will or are going through the same thing as you. I can totally feel your raw emotion. Oh man, that's got to be so exhausting! I'm sure you are so grateful to know there is an end in sight! I will be following your blog with great interest. In the meantime, my prayers are with you and your family! You are an amazing mom!!
