Wednesday, September 28, 2011

#2 visit and some good news

This last Monday, Hudson had his second cast put on his right foot. I couldn't believe the difference a week makes with just one cast. His right foot already looks totally normal. There was an adjustment to the treatment plan: he would wear only one more cast on the right foot and one cast only on the left foot. After that he would wear braces only at night. Such great news since we were expecting a much longer treatment plan. The braces will be worn until he outgrows the first pair which is usually 6-8 months. I feel like I can actually do this!

Hudson has been such a little trooper having double casts. Of course the first two days were difficult and he cried a lot but now he is doing great. I am hoping the braces won't be too much of a pain at night and he will be able to sleep somewhat comfortably. We go back next week for the fitting of the braces and then should follow up only every 3 months.

Sawing the cast off- we got to keep this cast as a keepsake.

Already the right foot looks so much better and normal too.

Getting a nice full bath since he can only take sponge baths with a cast. He was not a happy camper.

All sacked out on the table getting ready for casting. It was really busy that morning and we had a long wait before the casting was done.

Right leg done first. He screamed the whole time doing both legs. It was pure torture for him and mama.

Getting ready to start the casting on the left foot. This is the protective sleeve put on first before the actual cast.

All done. Looks awful but he is actually doing quite well with it.


  1. Wow! That right foot looks amazingly better! I'm so impressed with the casting technique.

  2. The right foot looks so great. Good job to all of you for hanging in there! And Hooray for a less intense treatment plan!!!!
