Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I can't believe 3 months has already past since Hudson was last seen at Shriner's. We went in for a follow up visit this last Monday. Initially the doctor told us that he would wear the braces for 6-8 months or until he outgrew the first pair. Luckily for us, he outgrew his first pair of braces after only 3 months of wearing them. Hudson never really did tolerate the braces very well. He wore them maybe a max of 7 hours during the day (that maybe even a little stretch). I was starting to get a bit lazy toward the end of the 3 months because they were such a pain to deal with. He couldn't sleep with them well and just fussed while he was awake with them on. So I was hoping with this visit that we would get the ok to stop wearing the braces. And luckily, we did. The doctor was happy with the way his feet look. Hudson still has mild adductus (feet turn it slightly) but he should outgrow that as he gets bigger. We will follow-up in 6 months just to make sure his feet still look good. I wanted to keep the braces as a memory but Shriner's likes to recycle the used braces and send them to Mexico to underprivileged kids. Yeah for a good appointment!


  1. Wahoo! Now you need a before and after picture of his bare feet.

  2. This is great news! I'll bet Hudson is a much happier camper.

    A question - Did you ever become concerned about a cast becoming too tight on Hudson's leg? The cast that was put on after Todd's surgery stays on for 6 weeks. He's growing quickly that I wonder if it's possible that his ciculation could be compromised. Prior to surgery, he got a new cast every week, so I didn't worry about it becoming too snug.

    In my meeting with the surgeon immediately after surgery, he said this cast would remain on for 6 weeks. I told him that Todd was gaining nearly 1 pound per week. He said that the fat cells will go other places and the leg will be fine. We have 3 weeks to go. The cast is not yet snug but I wonder if it will be too tight before we hit the 6-week mark. Just wondering if you had a similiar experience. My email address is erikamblack@hotmail.com
