Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clubbed foot.... or not?

That was the big question for us right after Hudson was born. And yes, the feet were turned in, but not as drastic as we thought they would be. We visited with the pediatrician the next morning, and much to our surprise, he did not think that Hudson had clubbed feet. He thought that his feet would turn out normally with some stretching exercises. Wow, a huge burden had just been lifted off my shoulders.

Fast forward to his two week check-up. Shriner's Hospital had called that morning prior to the 2 week check-up to see what the status was on the referral. I told them I was meeting with the pediatrician that afternoon to discuss what we wanted to do next and would call back if we decided to proceed with the evaluation. The doctor is still not overly concerned about his feet but was fine with going forward with an evaluation at Shriners. The pediatrician's initial diagnosis is metatarsus adductus- where the forefoot is twisted inwards relative to the hindfoot (or heel). This is usually caused from being "packed" in the womb in that position.

What's next? We have our first appt at Shriner's this coming Monday, 9/19, in the newborn- club foot clinic. Time is of essence since the sooner the babies can receive treatment, the better the outcome. Anxious... yes, but at peace knowing he will be receiving the best care.

1 comment:

  1. He is the most precious little guy. I know all will be well. Keep the updates going. He'll love it in years to come.
